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Welcome to the WEB Site
of the U.S.S. Bethel

STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., is a nonprofit corporation chartered by the State of North Carolina, and is dedicated to uniting the fans of Star Trek as well as pursuing the future envisioned by Gene Rodenberry and as depicted in the Star Trek television series and movies. Community service and charity fund raising are a large part of what makes STARFLEET more than just a group of people who like Star Trek'.


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USS Bethel's viewpoint can be expressed in, Faith, Heart, and Steel, a summation of the mental, emotional, and physical qualities which are to be the founding principles and the guiding philosophy of this organization.


Faith represents the spiritual and charitable aspects; we express this through acknowledgment of the existence of El-Shaddai (GOD Almighty). As a derivative thereof. Faith also represents our respect for fundamental human rights and for the Earth's ecosystem, our commitment to education and community service, and our devotion to helping our fellow man.


Heart represents our emotional aspects and acknowledges the emotional nature, and needs, of the people who are at the heart of various fan organizations. It expresses the intent to be fair, honest, and understanding of individual differences, and proclaims our empathy and compassion for all life. Heart expresses our desire to cultivate a sense of "family" among the members of various fan clubs, and to generate an individual sense of belonging in each and every one of them.


Steel represents the physical aspects of this club expressed through the tone of our interactions with others. It is the courage required to act in accordance with the founding principles when confronted by those who would oppose, violate, or undermine them, and it is the strength of will required to adhere to the principles of peace. Steel also represents the persistence and endurance of the various club members in carrying out the missions of their organizations, combined with the sharpness of intellect and logic applied to their club's affairs. Steel is the temper, self-confidence, pride and honor.

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